Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Still wondering ...

... but this week no one else is interested in what can or cannot, should or should not be taught in private schools.

New thoughts. Am I thinking?

This week, about an article for a Groveland monthly newspaper.  About the to-do list for Daughters of Hawaii.  About how long a dementia patient remembers he is afraid of something.  About ways to bring pleasure to my mother's life as she approaches her 96th birthday.  About a birthday card and a gift for said 96-year-old to unwrap.

The heartache of a mother whose only  daughter died this week.  Possibly from a drug overdose.  Probably prescription drugs.  She was brilliant, caring, well-educated ... and only 33 years old.  She leaves no spouse, no children to grow up missing their mom.  What brings a person with so much promise to this kind of an end?  What lessons will those who knew her bring to their own lives?

Give thanks for Cyndi, who has moved onward into a new life.  Pray for those left behind -- parents, step-parents, sibling, niece, friends, professional colleagues, clients.

Hug your children.  Or your spouse.  Or your parents.  Or a friend.  Today.

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