Friday, May 6, 2011

Still Fighting

My friend decided he wasn't ready to die.  Again.

The vascular surgery, difficult though it was, apparently met its goal.  There is feeling where there was none only 2 weeks ago.

He has successfully transition from IV to oral medications.  That pleased his doctors, who were not sure the transition would be easy.

He has resumed physical and occupational therapy -- at the walk-from-the-bed-to-the-hallway level.  Each day he is able to do more, walk farther.

He must make some decisions about where to go when he leaves the hospital.  Is assisted living more appropriate than in-home nursing care?  What are the ramifications of living with a family member?  Will he ever again be able to live alone in his home of 35 years?  In which city would he like to live?

Big decisions.  But he is alive to make them.

Give thanks for each small step toward my friend's recovery.
Don't forget to pray....

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